Ascorbyl Glucoside Powder

Ascorbyl Glucoside Powder

Name: Ascorbyl Glucoside
Specification: 99%
CAS: 129499-78-1
Package: 25Kg/Paper drum, 1Kg/Aluminum foil bag
MOQ: 1Kg Stock: 500 Kg
Delivery Time: Within 2~3 working days after you order
Payment Way: Bank transfer, TT
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Product Introduction

Production Introduction

Ascorbyl Glucoside Powder is a steady subordinate of L-ascorbic acid that is regularly utilized in skincare items for its cell reinforcement properties and skin-lighting up impacts. When planned into a powder structure, it offers flexibility and solidness, making it a well known fixing in different restorative definitions. Here is an itemized outline of the advantages and uses of ascorbyl glucoside powder:

  • Cell reinforcement Protection:It goes about as a powerful cell reinforcement, assisting with killing free revolutionaries that can harm the skin and speed up the maturing system. By shielding the skin from oxidative pressure, it keeps a young and sound tone.

  • Skin-Lighting up Properties: It is known for its skin-lighting up impacts, as it represses melanin creation and diminishes the presence of dull spots, hyperpigmentation, and lopsided complexion. Normal utilization of items containing this fixing can bring about a more brilliant and even coloring.

  • Solidness and Efficacy: It is a steady type of L-ascorbic acid that is less inclined to oxidation contrasted with different subordinates. This upgrades its time span of usability and guarantees delayed adequacy when integrated into skincare details, giving durable advantages to the skin.

  • Collagen Synthesis: L-ascorbic acid assumes a vital part in collagen union, which is fundamental for keeping up with skin versatility and immovability. Ascorbyl glucoside powder invigorates collagen creation, assisting with further developing skin surface, lessen barely recognizable differences, and advance a smoother, more young appearance.

  • Delicate on the Skin: It is viewed as a delicate and very much endured fixing, making it reasonable for all skin types, including touchy skin. Its gentle nature limits the gamble of bothering or sharpening, considering protected and compelling use in an extensive variety of skincare items.

  • Adaptable Formulation: It can be effortlessly integrated into different restorative plans, including serums, creams, moisturizers, and covers. Its similarity with different fixings takes into account tweaked skincare items customized to explicit skin concerns and inclinations.

  • Sun Harm Protection: L-ascorbic acid subsidiaries like ascorbyl glucoside assist with safeguarding the skin from UV-initiated harm and natural aggressors. By supporting the skin's normal protection systems, it helps with forestalling untimely maturing and keeping up with skin wellbeing notwithstanding outer stressors.

In rundown, Ascorbyl Glucoside Powder offers a scope of advantages for the skin, including cell reinforcement security, skin-lighting up impacts, soundness, collagen blend, delicate plan, flexibility, and sun harm security. When integrated into skincare items, it can assist with advancing a better, more brilliant tone and address different skin concerns really.

Basic Information


White crystal powder

Molecular Formula


Molecular Weight




Quality Standard

Enterprise Standard


1Kg/Aluminum foil bag

Ascorbyl Glucoside Powder can primarily repress the movement of tyrosinase, and can likewise hinder the age of melanin, which can play a decent molding on individual skin status and accomplish the impact of brightening skin.

Molecular Formula

Production Functions and Benefits

Fundamental Capabilities

AA2G is a strong fixing known for its complex advantages in skincare. Its primary capabilities include:

Lights up skin and restrains melanin arrangement

Ascorbyl glucoside, upon change into L-ascorbic acid inside skin cells, assumes a crucial part in decreasing melanin development by restraining the action of tyrosinase. This catalyst restraint stifles the development of dopamine quinone, a middle of the road in melanin union. Besides, it works with the change of dopa quinone to levodopa, which supports reducing melanin collection, in this way lessening skin pigmentation and advancing an all the more even coloring.

Assurance against UV harm

L-ascorbic acid Ascorbyl-Glucoside offers strong assurance against destructive UV radiation. It goes about as a safeguard, protecting the skin from the harming impacts of UV beams, including sun related burn, untimely maturing, and pigmentation.


Collagen, a fundamental protein for skin design and versatility, assumes a vital part in keeping up with young skin. Ascorbyl glucoside separates into l-ascorbic corrosive, which animates collagen blend. Expanded collagen creation results in firmer, smoother, and less-creased skin. In addition, the transformation of ascorbyl glucoside into L-ascorbic acid inside skin cells further upgrades its enemy of maturing impacts, apparently diminishing the presence of kinks and further developing skin surface.

Battles free revolutionaries

As a cancer prevention agent, ascorbyl glucoside battles free extremists, unsteady particles that cause oxidative pressure and speed up skin maturing. When joined with different cell reinforcements like vitamin E or ferulic corrosive, its viability is additionally intensified because of their synergistic impacts. Together, they kill free extremists, shield skin cells from harm, and advance by and large skin wellbeing and essentialness.

All in all, Ascorbyl Glucoside Powder is a flexible fixing with a large number of advantages for skin wellbeing and appearance. From lighting up and evening complexion to safeguarding against UV harm and fighting maturing signs, its multifunctional properties make it an important expansion to skincare definitions.


Ascorbyl Glucoside Powder has different applications in surface level added substances and drug unrefined components. In beauty care products, it goes about as a powerful element for skin lighting up, hostile to maturing, and UV security. Its melanin-restraining properties are especially useful for items tending to hyperpigmentation and lopsided complexion. Moreover, its antioxidative attributes render it significant in details focusing on free extreme harm and improving in general skin wellbeing. In drugs, it is utilized for its possible remedial benefits in skincare definitions and as a solid wellspring of L-ascorbic acid for oral enhancements and skin medicines. Its flexibility and viability make it a sought-after fixing in both restorative and drug businesses, where it contributes essentially to the improvement of skincare and wellbeing items.

Where to Buy?

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